Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Things . . .

I have been converting ALL my FI-9 Episodes to an E-book Video form to post on You Tube BUT it IS a VERY time consuming process best done in the dead of winter.  Having been writing D'Sefet's Cat House for a LONG time I have 15 to 20 finished Episodes so instead of waiting to publish them here the same time I publish a E-book version, I'm going to put more of them here first.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

A Few Star Trek Items I Have Made

Klingon Wall Plaque:

Mirror Universe Plaque:
Star Fleet Wall Plaque:
"Q" Banner:
This one is signed by actor John Delance.  He liked it so much that he ask me to make another one for him.  I sent it to his agent, I hope he received it.

Klingon Banner:
This one is signed by Michael (Worf) Dorn and his stunt double Dragon Dronet.

Romulan Club Plaque:
This was made for a Star Trek, Romulan Fan Club called the RSE.

Wooden Box with faux Marble top:
I made two of these to house and protect the Life Casts of William Shatner and Leonard Limoy faces.

Star Fleet Plaque:

Life size Shuttle Pod:
What EVERY Star Trek fan should have in his Car Port!