Monday, December 2, 2019

Episode Guide for Federation Installation Nine as of 12-01-2019


Sef1-1f -Sef Intro
Sefhistf - Sef History
Selarinto - Selar History
Southern Cross - Fleet Yard where the Shadow Hawk was born.
Message 58-61 - 4 of 5 Intro
4 of 5 - 4 of 5 History
Bastspeck - U.S.S. Bastet History
Kzntilang1 - Kzinti language overview from a web site.
Xmax2 - A non-FI-9 ‘Christmas’ Sci-Fi story told, as he heard it, by Sef. 

Oldmis - Prolog - An anthology of Shadow Hawk Logs revealing Sef’s service background.
FI9F - Pilot - The basics of D’Sefet’s Cat House!
Boldy - Episode 1 - We are on our way!
Goboldy - Episode 2 - Problems along the way.
Settlepub - Episode 3 - The Lion awakes!
Kzinrret 1 - Episode 4 - Guess who is coming for dinner!
Kzinrret 2 - Episode 5 - Guess who is coming for dinner!
Goldrush - Episode 6 - Boomtown, FI-9 style.
Sgrush - Episode 6a - Last collaboration with Shadow Hawk writers.  Has Goldrush text in it.
Catsaway - Episode 7 - Old Slaver Problems.
Renfair2 - Episode 8 - A journey to the past.
Persis - Episode 9 - Purrsistance is futile!
Campm - Episode 10 - Summer camp from hell!
Bump - Episode 11 - Looking for things that go bump in the night.
Onetwo - Episode 12 - One, Two many Doctor Selars!
Orph - Episode 13 - Orphans
Bros-sis - Episode 14 - A haunted FI-9!
Brother - Episode 15 - Brother’s Keeper.
Cat Person - Episode 16 - A lover of felines is transferred to FI-9!
Strange Bedfellows - Episode 17 - Security-Chief and Jacobs have an adventure!
Lights - Episode 18 - Christmas on FI-9!
Here Kitty - Episode 19 - Sef becomes someone’s pet!
Cloakdagger - Episode 20 - The BUGS are back and FI-9 has them!!
Newagain - Episode 21 - Sef goes to Ferasa for a funeral!
SKI trip - Episode 22 - WHEN PIGS SKI!!!
Phobos - Episode 23 - WHY would a person suffering from Ailurophobia, irrational fear of cats, come to FI-9.
The Claw - Episode 24 - It WAS their war!
Tunamoon - Episode 25 - Life with Kitties.

[These Episodes are not finished yet or are finished but waiting on another Episode to be finished.]

Cain and Able - Security-Chief’s hunts a renegade Kzinti!
Inscrutable - Japanese Star Trek!
Revenge - Humans are NOT wimps!
Somewhere Over the Rainbow - What IS it like to wake up after a 90 year nap!

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Star Trek: Federation Installation Nine, Episode 25 Tunamoon


Personal Journal: Lieutenant Commander Reginald Katz recording.

Boy has it been a tough day!  In regards to my Ailurophobia, I’ve been keeping it under control to the extent that I don’t jump out of my skin every time Karie touches me!  My resolve was REALLY tested today however when Commander Jacobs and I went down to the mines for the yearly maintenance check on the Oxygen Recyclers.  Being confined in dusty, narrow, dimly lit, underground tunnels, filled with Kzinti Miners, NOT happy that they have had to shut down their mining operations and stop earning Credits, so two Humans can work on some equipment was REALLY tough on my nerves!  Thankfully, we got the job done quickly and beamed back to FI-9!

Speaking of Karie, I don’t know if the Kzinti have saints, but if they do, she would be at the head of the list!  She takes care of my Little Terrenkrret (Terrenk - A rather strong, fast animal that fights ferociously when cornered and Rett - Female.) Kleio all day, keeps our quarters spotless, and still has time to cater my needs as well!

SO what PROBLEMS could a man with a hard working, loving wife and beautiful, intelligent  child have???  MANY!!!!!!!!!

I uncovered one of the problems the first night Karie and I spent together.  Now this problem was not caused by the fact she’s a Kzinti or even a feline for that matter.  It was just I have been sleeping alone, for the most part, all of my life, and you naturally spread out over the entire bed  while you sleep.  I remember waking up more than once that night, panicked by the fact SOMEONE was in bed with me!  Cuddling with her proved to have its own set of problems, beginning with the fact she is covered in fur from head to foot.  I kind of liked the feel of her silky, soft, warm fur against my skin but, having fur in my face, mouth and nose was another matter!  Needless to say neither of us got much rest that night!  Since then we have made some adjustments and those problems have subsided.

Another reason we did NOT get much rest was because as soon as we dozed off, Kleio would wake up mewing in panic.  It took a while but Karie found the reason.  Apparently I snore, I never thought I did but, the sound of my snores and the roar of a Kzintosh sound the same to Kleio!  I got Doctor Selar to give me something to take care of my snoring the next day.

I guess one of the biggest problems I have is Karie’s over whelming gratitude toward me.  I didn’t quite understand what Commander D’Sefet was trying to tell me in Sick Bay after the Shuttle accident about the Kzinti and their attitude toward “Intelligent” Kzinrrets but after doing a little research on the Black Priests and Kzinti Law, I can see why Lord Gurr-Riit, the grand father of Kleio was  frightened for Karie and her.  I was and am happy to keep them from harm but like I tried to tell Karie, I’m NOT a hero, lord or savior!  Just a ordinary, every day Human!  However that has not dampened her unbridled adoration for me.

I wonder if her adoration is also effecting her views on what I have been trying to enlighten her on the subject of her newly acquired freedom.  Like most males, I could get use to being catered to, hand and foot but, I’m not looking for and uncomfortable with a slave!  I realize Karie has been raised in a civilization  where females are considered only good for one thing but now as the wife of a Federation Citizen and by that, a Federation citizen herself, I want her to feel free to explore all the privileges that position affords her!  Commander Jacobs has told me Commander D’Sefet had a similar problem with Sarrah when she first came to FI-9 so I will see if it is ok to question him on how he dealt with it.  Sarrah seems to be very confident, well adjusted female now and after perusing her dream, is on the verge of becoming a doctor! 

“TIME TO EAT NOW!”, Karie informs as she tugs on my sleeve.

“Ok PURR . . .  End Personal Journal for now.”, I command, “So what’s for dinner?”

“Meat you call chicken.”, Karie replies.

“And?”, I question as I sit down at the table.

“AND for Grass Eaters, something called corn.”, she says as she places the food on the table.

The food illustrates another difference between Humans and Kzinti that we have had to navigate.  There are two plates of chicken on the table, one, mine is Kentucky Fried and steaming hot.  The other, Karie’s is room temperature and BLOOD RAW!  I try and not look as she takes a piece, lifts it to her mouth and with her sharp teeth, rips the meat from the bone, remembering the stories of how Kzinti once considered  Humans  food!   I try and keep from imaging what the meat must taste and feel like as she eats it!  I keep telling myself she IS a true carnivore and THAT IS the way carnivores eat!

Our first meal together was even more traumatic for me!  It was the night after the accident.  My hands were still almost useless and Karie was wanting to help as much as she could so I instructed her on the operation of the Replicator.  When meal time came, she asked me what I wanted to eat.  Not thinking, I answered “Liver”.  For the record I love fried beef liver and onions.  RAW liver IS another thing all together!  AND that is what she proudly served me!  I could see the hurt in her eyes as I took my liver back to the Replicator, got it cooked and added onions.  I tried to soothe her feelings by explaining that because Human jaw muscles were not as strong as Kzinti’s we needed our meat softened by heat before we could eat it.  She seemed to understand.  However explaining the onions took a bit of doing!

Personal Journal: Continuing.

Another Day has come and gone.  A fairly easy day, I spent it sitting in the Control Room monitoring the orbit of a derelict Kzinti vessel.  I did manage to talk to Commander D’Sefet about the problem I was having getting Karie to embrace her new found freedom but, he was of little help.  He did caution me on pushing the subject though.  Apparently when he first tried talking to Sarrah about it, she thought she had displeased him somehow and was being thrown to the wolves, so to speak.  I wonder if I should try and see what if any ideas Sarrah has on the subject?

I guess if I was honest with myself the real issue is my feelings toward Karie and her true feelings toward me.  I have never been “IN LOVE” so to speak, oh there have been a few times I have been “IN LUST” though.  But those feelings are very shaky ground for two people to try and build a life on!  In fact when you get right down to it, I’m not even sure what “LOVE” is to a Human!  Let alone what a Kzinrret’s definition is!  About all I’m sure of is it has to be more than just the relationship between a pet and its master!  I tried to question Capt’n Don about his ideas on the subject.  When he first bought the Hanford, his future mate and mother of his kit, I’Aisha came with it!  She was the “Ship’s Cat”!  Her job, like the Ship’s Cats of the old sailing ships  was to keep the Hanford’s holds free of rodent infestations.  He wasn’t even sure at what point his perception of I’Aisha changed from animal to felinoid or from felinoid to potential mate!  He said that he thought his attitudes took a radical turn during a dangerous mission the Hanford was commandeered for the Federation, I’Aisha got into a situation where she was almost killed.  He said soon after he found himself thinking of I’Aisha in a “different” way.

“Bed time!”, Karie says as she plops down beside me on the couch.

She has just finished giving Kleio her late meal and one of her large, shapely, fur covered breasts is exposed.  One thing I do know, none of my problems stem from a lack of physical attraction to Karie!  Even covered from head to foot with fur, she has the body and figure that would be the envy of any Human female!

“Ok PURR.”, I answer putting my arm around her and pulling her close, “Let me finish this last word.” 

Kzinrrets or felinoids in general do not need to wear clothes.  They seem to be a lot less prudish about nudity than humans.  Of course they ARE covered with fur!  However clothes serve other uses, one of which Karie found useful.  In everyday life a person is exposed to many forms of contaminates.  Dust, dirt, pollen, etc. and most of it settles what you are wearing.  To rid your self of this stuff all you need do is remove the clothes and put them in the Recycler.  If however this stuff settles on your skin or worse in your hair or fur getting rid of it becomes a lot harder!  Like all babies, Kleio is prone to tummy upsets and like all babies when something upsets the tummy it needs to be gotten rid of and like all babies to do that they SPEW like a volcano!  Bringing up toxic waste the likes of which I, as a Starfleet Engineer have never seen!  The difference between disposing of clothes or taking a Sonic Shower wasn’t lost on Karie!  She does like to sleep naked though.  Not that I’m complaining!

I crawl into bed and Karie joins me.  She cuddles close but I guess my mind, still pondering problems doesn’t notice.

"What is wrong Reg?”, Karie begins, worry sounding in her voice,  “Have I displeased you?  Has Kleio angered you in some way?  I know how stressful being around a kit can be to a Kzintosh!  Please tell me what I have done wrong!”

Realizing she has been talking and picking up on only the last of it I answer, “Kleio?  No, she hasn’t angered me!  I love my little Terrenkrret (Terrenk - A rather strong, fast animal that fights ferociously when cornered and Rett - Female.)!”

“Then it is me you are displeased with!”, Karie says, her fur flattening with worry, “Please tell me what I have done!  I will not do it again I swear!”  Karie’s body begins to shake.

I reach out and pull her to me.  As I hold her tight to me, she buries her nose against my chest and begins to breath heavy and softly mew, a sound I understand is the Kzinti equivalent of human crying.

As I stroke the fur on the back of her head, I say, “No, you haven’t done anything to displease me PURR!”

She lifts her head and looks into my eyes with her tear fulled ones and asks, “Then what IS wrong?  Am I not desirable enough?”

“Desirable?”, I respond growing more confused.

She continues, “I know I am not Human . . .”.

“I NEVER want to hear those words from you again!”, I say, angrily cutting her off, “You are as Human as I am!”

“Then why do you not wish to ch’rowl (have sex/mate) with me?”, Karie asks, “If you are worried about another kit, I have spoken with Sarrah and she does not think Humans and Kzinti are compatible and even if we are I was always told no Kzinrret could have another kit as long as she was nursing.”

I’m speechless!  As I said, like Commander Jacobs said Commander D’Sefet did with Sarrah, I have been giving Karie as much time and room to adjust to her new surroundings and conditions as I could.  On top of that knowing how much energy she spends caring for Kleio, as well as the other things she does for both of us, I thought she would be thankful to go to bed just to rest for a few hours!  Also I had read in the limited information the Federation had on the Kzinti that Kzinrrets were only, well lets say amorous when fertile!  Of course that information was based on the genetically altered Kzinrret not those like Karie.

Stunned, I sputter, “Ch’rowl (have sex/mate)!  Well its not that . . .  I mean . . .  Uh!”

“I sort of understand your Ailurophobia sickness, but I thought you were doing better with it.  I know you like what you see when you look at me, I can see it in your eyes.”, she says, “Tell me what I need to do to please you?”

“Nothing PURR.”, I begin as I hold her body even tighter to mine and stroke the fur on the scruff of her neck, ”You are the MOST beautiful, the MOST sexy, the MOST perfect female in the galaxy!” 

I made a miscalculation!  But I’m not to blame!  As far back as the mid 20th century Human  females were screaming that they didn’t want to become what were called “Housewives”!  They wanted to be known for more than raising children and as some of that time put it, “Standing by their man”.  Any female who’s dream WAS to be a “Housewife” found herself being called a traitor to her gender or worse!  Of course many of these “Liberated” females found themselves bitter and alone later in life looking at those females they once criticized with envy.  Many males of the time and to this day even, to protect themselves from these wild eyed feminists gave in, keeping away from females and quiet lest be labeled chauvinists.  Of course the damage done to male-female relations almost drove the Human Race to extinction!  In less than 50 years the birth rate had dropped so low that many so called “first world” nations found their population was almost all elderly!  It never occurred to me that just being a good wife and mother might be the ultimate dream of any female!

I wonder how to begin Ch’rowling (have sex/mate) with a Kzinti.  I remember, referring to Earth felines, the males usually begins by grabbing the female by the neck to keep her still but he does that with his  teeth!  There is little of what you would call fore play, the male, while keeping hold of the female’s neck, just positions himself and goes at it!  Once finished he gets away from the female as fast as possible so as not to be attacked by her.  I’m also VERY mindful of Karie’s VERY long and VERY sharp claws, not to mention her teeth!  And the fact I have no fur to protect me from them!

Like most caring Human males I want my wife to enjoy the experience as much as I do!  I recall something I once read about erogenous zones but having no idea if Kzinti even have them!  With nothing to lose, I decide to stop over thinking this and just “go with the flow” so to speak.  I can feel Karie is just as unsure of what we are doing as I am.

I begin by running my fingers through her silky soft fur and needing her lower back.  Karie responds by “love” biting the tip of my nose and wiggling her body hard against mine.  I respond to her by attempting to kiss her.  Not easy when the female’s lips are attached to her nose as in a muzzle and her long whiskers tickle your face!  We continue, me doing what comes naturally to a human and Karie doing what comes naturally to a Kzinti until . . .  Well, DO I HAVE TO DRAW YOU A PICTURE?!?!?!?!?  All I can say is if a Kzintosh mates like a male Earth cat, he is missing out on 9/10s of the entire experience!

Judging from Karie’s final reaction, I was somewhat successful in my efforts!  Oh and as to the subject of erogenous zones, I can DEFINITELY say Kzinti have at least one!  I found it by accident and almost paid for the discovery with an ear!  Karie was “love” biting my right ear when my fingers found their way down to where her tail attaches to her pelvis.  There is a sort of depression on top there and when my fingers explored it . . .  Well, the puncture wounds in my ear are healing nicely thank you.  Finally, as to the question of a Human/Kzinti Kit, I remember Capt’n Don telling me how surprised he was when he discovered Humans and Pa’UR were “compatible”.  Of course I like all Starfleet personnel I’m using Birth Control at the moment but, someday, if Karie is willing . . .  Well . . .  Who knows!

Star Trek: Federation Installation Nine, Episode 24 ME U"Q"?

ME U “Q”?

Captain’s Log:

Routine patrol along Kzinti/Federation Frontier.  Commander D’Sefet Commanding U.S.S. Bastet NCC-61456.

It has been another non-eventful patrol for us, and while that is NOT a bad thing, I DO remember, one of the reasons most people, me included joined Starfleet was adventure.  I have nothing unusual to report.  There has been no contact with other vessels, Federation or otherwise, no discovery of uncharted star systems, black holes or even a stray asteroid.

Con reports we have reached the limits of our patrol area so, “Verrry well!  Prepare to commme about! Time to go hommme!”

With luck I think we will be home in time for Sarrah and I to have Late-Meal (dinner) together.  We have not had many chances recently, she has been working long, hard hours preparing to take the Federation Tests that will allow her to call herself a doctor.  Everyone on FI-9 is proud of her, even her brother, Security-Chief.

Helm reports, “Course plotted and laid in Commander.”

“Good Do i . . .”, I begin and am interrupted by.

“Sensors are picking up a vessel ahead Commander.”, the crewman catting the Science Station reports, “She appears to be dead in space and drifting.”

“Red Alert!  Shieldsss up, arm weaponsss!”, I command, “Scan forrr otherrr vessels!”

We approach cautiously, the crewman at the Science Station reporting, “Power output . . .  Zero, life signs . . .  Negative.  No other vessels in our vicinity Commander.”

“Go to Yellow Alert!”, I command.  We are still a ways off and all on the Bridge are straining to see the vessel.  “Maximum magnification on Viewerrr.”, I order.

As the image enlarges, a few things become clear.  First the vessel is NOT of Federation, Klingon or Romulan design.  Further more it has been “DEAD” for a long time as evidenced by a cluster of Gas Exhaust Cones mounted on the stern.  There is a massive hole in the port side, a mid ships.  I am looking to see if I can make out any United Earth markings when I hear the Bridge Doors open and

Security-Chief say, “It IS the CLAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  We need to leave here immediately Commander!  ANYONE seeing the CLAW is doomed!!!”

Stories about the legendary Kzinti Battle Ship the “CLAW” are well known!  Told and retold through the centuries since the Man-Kzinti Wars by both sides!  She was the finest ship in the Patriarch’s Fleet.  Boasting the most modern and powerful equipment, engines and weapons of that time.  The captain had been paw picked by the Patriarch himself and in turn the captain had paw picked his officers and crew.  Most historians agree that if the Kzinti could have built, equipped and crewed just two more ships like the CLAW, the Alpha Quadrant anyway really would have been their dinner table!  According to history, it was only luck that allowed United Earth to find and destroy this threat to their very existence.  Earth was sending the biggest fleet it could assemble toward the Kzinti Border to try and end the wars once and for all.  The Kzinti found out about the armada and was preparing to meet it and destroy Human interference forever.  The CLAW was assigned to lead the attack.  Somehow, the details are not clear, a smaller Kzinti vessel collided with the CLAW, destroying the smaller ship and damaging the CLAW’s Drive Section enough that it could not lead the attack.  The remainder of the Kzinti fleet left to attack the Earth fleet while the CLAW made ready to return to the Home World for repairs.  The battle went badly for the Kzinti and their fleet retreated back to the CLAW’s position.  The CLAW’s Captain joined the battle with his damaged ship.  Even though it was not operating at full capacity the CLAW managed to destroy a number of the Earth’s Capital Ships and might have won the battle except one of the smaller Earth ships managed to get close enough to the Bridge of the CLAW and self-destruct.  Killing all of  the CLAW’s Bridge Crew with a fatal dose of radiation.  The Kzinti fleet continued their retreat to the Home World but the Humans, their fleet all but decimated, did not follow.  Instead they decided to return with the CLAW to Earth to learn its secrets.  There was speculation that the Kzinti might have even used some secret Slaver Technology.  Earth’s last remaining Capital Ship was detailed to tow the CLAW back to Earth While the rest of the fleet stayed and defended against anticipated Kzinti resistance against having their Greatest Ship claimed by the Monkey Men.  A Prize Crew was put aboard the CLAW and it and the Earth ship departed for Earth.  It is here history begins to get a bit muddy.  All that is known for sure is that the Earth Ship, the CLAW in tow never made it back to Earth.  There was speculation that the CLAW was not as “DEAD” as the Humans thought and its surviving crew destroyed their captors before dying themselves or taking over the Earth Ship.  The Earth Ship was never seen again but the CLAW was, in a few reported sightings like this one.

As with other unsolved mysteries, soon the stories and legends began to pop up!  Most begin with the Captain of the CLAW ordering his damaged ship into battle and one of his Junior Officers expressing doubt that they will be victorious.  The Captain, angered by his crew’s lack of faith, then Swears to the Great Fanged One himself that he and his ship will never see the stars of home again until he has blasted EVERY Earth ship to wreckage and he has personally eaten the hearts and livers of all their Monkey Men Crew.  He was unsuccessful so now, along with his crew of skeletons or undead, is doomed to sail the stars forever.

“Starfleet does NOT believe in Flying Dutchmansss!”, I reply.

All of a sudden there is a bright flash of light and a human in a Starfleet Uniform appears in front of the View Screen.

“The Kzinti’s right!  Arm Photon Torpedoes!  Target that ship!”, this intruder orders.

“Ignore those ordersss!”, I command, then ask “Who are . . .”

I stop myself, I remember!  A long time ago, when I was First Officer aboard the U.S.S./R.S.E Shadow Hawk!  An away mission to Earth of the past!  A Romulan Saboteur disguised as a Human Starfleet Admiral!  A mythical Vulcan artifact called the Medallion of Deception that enabled its wearer to appear as anyone!  AND THE IMAGE CARVED ON ITS FACE!  THE IMAGE OF THE VULCAN GOD OF FALSEHOOD!  THE IMAGE OF . . .

“Q?”, I ask.

“At your service Commander D’Sefet!”, “Q” answers with a smile and slight bow.

“Q!”, Security-Chief echos with a low, guttural, growl as he recalls the Starfleet briefings on this subject.

“Q” turns toward Security-Chief and says wistfully,  “For a moment you sounded just like Mr. Worf, Kzinti!”

“What do you want?”, I question.

“We need to talk Sef.”, “Q” says and with a snap of his fingers he and I are standing in my Ready Room, “Privately!”

One of the things all Starfleet Officers that have had dealings with “Q” agree on is their strong negative emotional reaction to this self-righteous, egotistical, omnipotent being.  I may have an advantage over them, except for the omnipotent part, I deal with ones like “Q” on a daily basis.  They are known on FI-9 as KZINTI!!!!!!!!

I sit down at my desk and begin, “Very well “Q”, WHAT do you want to talk about?”

“What are you planning to do with the CLAW Sef?”, he asks.

“Tow it to FI-9 ssso it can be ssstudied.”, I answer.

“That might be a VERY bad move on your part.”, “Q” cautions, “Remember what your Kzinti, Security-Chief advised!  That ship might contain a lot of bad memories for both Humans and Kzinti!  Do them both a service and destroy it.” 

“DESTROY IT!?!?!”, I say, “That vessel ISss HISTORY!!!!!!!!  Destroying it would be crime against . . .  Against . . .  Well Humanity, ssso to ssspeak!”

“A cat speaking of HUMANITY?”, “Q” muses with a snort.  Not all mysteries need to be or should be solved Sef.”, “Q” cautions as he snaps his fingers and disappear on a flash of light. 

Reentering the Bridge I begin, “Jacobsss, take Engineering Away Teammm and sssee if that hulk can ssstand being towed back to FI-9.”

“Right Sef.”, she answers. 

“BUT”, I continue, “Do NOT board herrr!  I do not want anything in that ssship disturbed!”

“A bit harder job Sef but, whatever you say!”, Jacobs answers as she gets her team organized.

“Communicationsss, get me Starfleet Command!”, I finish.

Jacobs used a Force Field Generator to seal the large hole in the CLAW’s hull and after an inspection found that although the hull had been comprised in many places it was stable enough to be towed.  So I ordered the Bastet’s Shields extended around the CLAW’s Hull and a Tractor Beam to lock onto the area of the hull that Jacobs thought the most stable and we began to, SLOWLY tow our prize back to FI-9.

One thing did puzzle her though.  During the Man-Kzinti Wars the main weapons were Lasers and “dirty” Tac-Nukes.  Even though the CLAW has been drifting in space for over 200 years, that would not have been enough time for the radiation that killed the Bridge Crew to decay away but, when she checked, radiation levels through out the vessel were within safe limits.  Another mystery to be solved!

Both the Federation and the Patriarchy were excited about our find and immediately began putting together a team of experts to come to FI-9 to study the CLAW.

As we arrive at FI-9 the problems start!  First, where to put the CLAW?  He, Kzinti call their ships “HE” instead of “SHE”, is to big to fit into FI-9's Hanger Bay and trying to land him on one of the planets would probably destroy him so we will have to keep him in space.  However there is no fuel on the CLAW to power his Thrusters so we will have to put him where the gravity pull from the various bodies in the solar system will not effect him.  After a few readings and calculations, it is found placing him fairly close to FI-9 is the best solution.  There we can use the station’s Tractor Beam on him if he begins to fall.  Because a constant Tractor Beam puts immense stress on a Space Frame, someone from Engineering will be assigned to monitor the CLAW from FI-9's Control Room 24 hours a day and use it only when and if the situation warrants it.

To protect against someone getting into the CLAW to collect souvenirs or damaging him in any way I ordered  Jacobs to extend the Force Shield completely around the CLAW’s hull sealing it.  With that I think we have everything under control and all we have to do is wait for the experts to arrive.  WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!

As I have said, Kzinti are VERY superstitious for a advanced, space fairing civilization!  One of those superstitions is that a weapon can be cursed or possessed by its dead owner.  The belief is so strong, that in battle, if a T’kzintar (warrior) looses his weapon he will not pick up one from the hands of a dead enemy!  Now there is the greatest weapon the Kzinti ever built floating in space near FI-9, his hull probably filled with the bodies of its dead owners!  Security-Chief is NOT happy about that!  Neither are the Kzinti Miners that use the station for recreation!  Many refuse to come to the station unless ordered to do so.

I find even some non-Kzinti have similar feelings when, Jacobs asks, “When are the teams of experts going to arrive eh?”

“I am not sssure.  A week orrr more I would estimate.”, then wondering if there is something I should know about, “Why?  Isss there  problem?”

“No, it is just that he looks so spooky hanging, dead out there!”, she replies. 

“I am sssurprised at you!”, I say, ”You sssound just like Security-Chief!”

“Occasionally that walking orange hairball has a valid point!”, she answers adding, “AND if you ever tell him I said that I WILL deny it eh!”

A few days after we get the CLAW settled in, I enter the Control Room and . . .  “Reg!  It good to sssee you! How are Karie and Kleio?”

“Hi Commander.  They’re doing great.”, he answers, “But I was wondering if I could talk to you about something personal.”

“Of course Reg, sssee me after yourrr shift!”, I answer as I enter my office and Reg goes back to monitoring the CLAW’s orbit.     

Two weeks almost to the minute after our discovery was made, the experts arrive.  The Federation has sent a team of academics headed by a Doctor Pedersen.  It is my understanding he is an expert on the ancient wars between Humans and Kzinti and has written numerous papers on the subject.  However, to my knowledge he has never visited FI-9 OR the Patriarchy.  I wonder if he has ever even met a Kzinti?  The Kzinti’s team includes a senior Jotoki Handler that has studied “old” technology and what the Kzinti call a “Rememberer”, sort of a historian that specializes in the Man-Kzinti War era. 

Their first task is to spend days reviewing and analyzing the Bastet’s recordings and Sensor readings of the second we made contact with the CLAW.  Then they spend even MORE days questioning all of Bastet’s Crew, even the ones that were not on duty at the time of our discovery!  Finally using the Bastet’s and FI-9's Sensors, they scan the CLAW from every possible angle, level and distance! 

The vessel is small by modern standards, with only four decks.  The hull is rounded giving it what Humans call a cigar shape although it is not perfectly round but flattened as well.  The front has a feline-like, triangular look and there are large oval viewports on the  port and starboard sides where I assume the Bridge is located.  They look like larger versions of the ones on my Kzinti Fighter.  The stern is dominated by six large rocket exhaust cones clustered around the main hull.  From internal scans it appears Engineering (engines, fuel tanks and control equipment) takes up about a third of the ship.  Weapons Systems take up much of the remaining space leaving the room for the crew (bridge, quarters, mess hall, sick bay, and life support) very cramped. 

Finally after two weeks of interviews, scanning, meetings, consolations and debate, the experts are ready to board the CLAW!

Security-Chief, Jacobs, and I will accompany the experts to the CLAW.  Even though we are going to a “dead” hulk, I order Security-Chief to issue Phasers to Jacobs, Himself and I.  Because there is no atmosphere or gravity in the CLAW, we will have to wear Space Suits.  I am concerned, while Security-Chief, Jacobs and I are use to working in Space Suits, not that we like to, the experts are not!  After we make sure they know how to operate their suits life support equipment and are comfortable in them, we beam over to the CLAW.

We materialize on the CLAW inside the massive hole in the port side, a mid ships.

“Everybody ssstay togetherrr!  Jacobsss, scan forrr any ssstructural problems!  Security-Chief keep eye out forrr traps!”, I order. 

Jacobs wants to check out Engineering to see if anything can be done to make working in the CLAW easier so the group heads aft.  We pick our way over warped or missing deck plates and through hanging conduit and wires.  We pass through a number of ruptured bulkheads.  Anything that was not attached to the CLAW and some things that were are long gone.  Sucked into space by the explosive decompression caused by whatever made the hole in the hull.  Looking at the devastation, I wonder if we will find anything in the ship.

Finally we reach an intact bulkhead.  Jacobs scans the compartment behind it for air and pressure before we try and open the hatch.  She finds the compartment is as airless as the rest of the ship so one of the Kzinti experts operates the Manual Locking Mechanism and opens the hatch.  We enter what appears to be a Mess Hall.  There are rows of long tables down one side of the room and what look like lockers behind a food preparation area on the other side.  Doctor Pedersen goes to one of the lockers and opens it.  Immediately he falls to his knees and his body begins to spasm!  The rest of us look to see what has caused his reaction.  In the locker is the headless, handless, footless, gutted body of a Human male hanging there like a side of meat!

Now knowing what has caused the doctor’s problem and also knowing what he is getting ready to do, I order, “Security-Chief!  Get that human back to Station NOW!  Do not let him cough up in hisss helmet!”

Security-Chief grabs the doctor and says, “Two for Emergency Beam Out!”

A few seconds later Security-Chief, back on FI-9 reports, “Pedersen-Doctor is well but I am NOT going to clean the Transporter Pad!”

“Oh Great!”, I hear Jacobs reply.

I thought the experts would have known enough history to have been prepared for this but I guess I was incorrect so I order everyone back to the station for a rethink!

Cats!  What a day!  I decide to go off duty a little early and since Sarrah is busy in Sickbay, I decide to stop into the Long Branch for a drink before continuing to our quarters.  Entering the bar, I see I am not the only one of my staff that has had this idea.  Security-Chief is standing at the bar having a Sour Milk and Jacobs is sitting at a table.

Seeing me she waves and calls, “Sef!  Over here!”

I join her and order a Squeak Ale from the waiter and ask her if she wants another of whatever she is drinking.  She says she does not.  The bar is relatively deserted.  Other than Security-Chief, Jacobs, Miss Kitty, the bar’s staff and I, there are two civilians, one is Doctor Pedersen, also standing at the Bar.  I do not recognize the other.

“What a day, huh Sef?”, Jacobs says between sips of her drink.

I have been around humans long enough to know one of the correct responses is, “I have had betterrr!”

Jacobs continues, “Like everyone, I have heard the stories about the Kzinti but I always thought they were mostly Boogy Man exaggerations!  But now, to think they were cannibals!”

“They were Not cannibalsss Jacobsss.”, I correct, “No more than were yourrr ancestorsss when they rrroasted creaturesss that looked like Gerve with fruit ssstuffed in their mouthsss.”

“Yea but that was different Sef!”, Jacobs protests.

“Oh, how?”, I question.

She does not answer, in words, but by the look that forms on her furless face I receive my reply.

All of a sudden Doctor Pedersen speaks up, “NO THEY WERE MANIMALSSSSSSSS . . .  MONSHURS!!!!!!!!!”, and drunkenly staggers toward Security-Chief.

Jacobs sizes up the situation quickly and rushes to stand defensively in front of Security-Chief.  For a second the scene is very curious!  A nine foot tall Kzinti Kzintosh being shielded by a barely five foot tall Human female against a threat from a over six foot tall Human male.  Things go bad quickly! 

“Back off!”, is all Jacobs can say before a blow from Doctor Pedersen’s big right hand sends her flying.

She crashes onto and through a near by table and lies motionless on the sawdust covered floor.  Then I witness something I hope to never witness again.  Security-Chief glances at Jacobs on the floor, turning back to Doctor Pedersen, emits a terrifying sound the likes of which I have never heard and with one back pawed blow sends Doctor Pedersen sailing over the bar and into the wall, smashing the large mirror that hangs there before his body crumples to the floor.  Security-Chief is getting ready to jump over the bar and finish the job as I reach and restrain him.

Holding him back as best I can, I tap my Com Badge, “Medical Emergency at Long Branch!  Doctor Selarrr respond!”

Seconds later Doctor Selar and Sarrah arrive. 

They both go to Jacobs first as I say, “Doctor Pedersen is on floorrr behind bar.

Selar stays with Jacobs and Sarrah hurries to examine Doctor Pedersen.

“We need to get her to Sick Bay!”, Doctor Selar says, urgency and worry sounding in her voice.

Both of us are stunned as Security-Chief goes to and kneels down beside Jacobs.  Gently, gingerly, almost lovingly gathers her body in his arms, rises and without a sound carries her out of the bar. 

For a second I see indecision in Selar’s eyes until Sarrah says, ”Pedersen-Doctor is regaining consciousness.”

“Go care forrr Jacobsss!”, I tell Selar, “Sarrah and I will get Doctorrr Pedersen to Sick Bay.”

“How bad are Lieutenant Commander Jacob’s injuries Sef?”, Admiral Ball inquires as I make a report on the incident to him the next morning.

“Fourrr broken ribsss, punctured left lung, broken nose, jaw and rrright arm, concussion, as well as numerous cutsss and bruisesss.  Mostly from smashing through table top.  Doctor Selarrr has relived  her of duty forrr week.  She saysss then she will reevaluate her rrrecovery and determine when she can rrreturn to duty.”, I inform.

“And Doctor Pedersen’s injuries?”, Admiral Ball questions.

“He wasss lucky.  Being intoxicated he was lesss rigid when he hit wall and floorrr.  A few minorrr cutsss and bruisesss as well as broken left wrist was all he suffered.”, I report, “As farrr as charges against Doctor Pedersen forrr assault and battery on Starfleet personnel, both Lieutenant Commander Jacobsss and Security-Chief want to forget incident.  All Miss Kitty isss concerned with isss damage to herrr business.  If Doctorrr pays for it she will not preferrr charges of public drunkennesss.  Finally as to charge of Racial Prejudice and Profiling, like my officers, I preferrr to let it passs, THIS time.”

"How was Doctor Pedersen allowed to get so intoxicated?”, Admiral Ball inquires, “Wasn’t he being monitored by the Bar Tender?”

“Recordingsss show he was served only one alcoholic drink.  Bar Tender seeing level of his intoxication rrrising made sure other two he was served were synthehol.  Apparently Doctorrr Pedersen was adding his own alcohol to drinksss.”, I inform.

“What about the body?”, Admarial Ball questions, changing the subject.

“I sent Doctorrr Selassr to CLAW and she took DNA sssample for Experts.”, I report, “Are there any Starfleet expertsss that can be assigned to this mission?  I am not sure about Kzinti but these Human civilian expertsss seem ill-prepared forrr this type of mission!”

“I’m sorry Sef but the Federation Archaeology Council picked the experts, Starfleet has not been consulted on this one at all.”, Admiral Ball explains, “I know you will do the best you can.  Ball out.”

“I tried to warn you Sef.”, A disembodied voice says and then with a flash of light, “Q” appears and finishes, “BUT you would not listen!”

“Q” snaps his fingers and we are instantly transported to the surface of a planet, which one I can not tell.  I can tell that a mammoth battle took place here!  Sometimes I envy the Humans with their less acute senses, for ones like me, the place stinks of blood, charred and decaying flesh and DEATH! 

“Where are we “Q”?”, I question looking around.

“We are where your decision took you, the Federation and the Kzinti Sef.”, “Q” answers.

It is dark, night it seems but it could just as easily be day with the sky darkened by the clouds of thick black smoke coming from the many fires that are burning.  With their light contribution, my “cat’s” eyes can make out a few things.  There are the blackened walls of large buildings, blasted to rubble by Phaser fire I assume so the planet is . . . was  inhabited.  Between the buildings are wrecks of machines, they look like Fighters both Federation and . . .  KZINTI!  I wonder if there are any survivors of the battle trapped in the ruins or the wrecks.  My duty as a Starfleet officer dictates I should look for and assist them.  I approach a Federation Fighter that looks like it is relatively intact.  I can see the pilot through the transparent canopy of the cockpit, a female Andorian.  She is still strapped in her seat and is not moving.  Using the Manual Eject Lever, I raise the canopy and check the pilot’s condition.  The stench that assaults my nose tells me she is dead.  It appears that after it was hit, the fighter lost power and nosed in.  The force of the impact dislodged some wreckage that in turn impaled her through the lower body.  From the expression frozen on her face by death, she lived for sometime after the crash and experienced the horror of knowing no one could help her as the battle raged on around her.  In the distance I see the wreck of a much larger vessel, it’s profile looks familiar so I pick my way through the rubble toward it.

Just before I reach the larger wreck I stumble over an unburied, decomposing body.  It has a tail, I believe it is Felinoid but it is to small to be a Kzinti and the fur is not tiger striped but a solid, dark color.  It lays face down in the dirt.  By the light I can see there are hundreds of other bloated, rotting bodies scattered around me.  I kneel beside the body, the scent tells me it has been here for some time.  I turn the body over and look into it’s face, MY FACE!  The body is MINE!  Then I know why the wreck’s profile looked familiar, the larger vessel IS the Bastet!

“They are all dead Sef.”, “Q” says as he walks up behind me.

I gently lower my body back to the ground, spring to my feet and whirl around to face him, “Who isss “Q”?"

“ANYONE seeing the CLAW is doomed!”, is the answer I receive in Security-Chief’s voice.  “You should have listened to him!”, “Q” chides.

A sickening thought invades my mind, “Sarrah!” is all I get out before “Q” snaps his fingers and we are standing in the Bazaar on FI-9 or what is left of it!  It is dark, only the Emergency Lighting is operating and they are flickering.  I can tell the Gravity Generators are down because there is wreckage, equipment and bodies floating in the air but I seem not to be affected by the lack of gravity.  I sprint to Sick Bay, dodging more lifeless bodies and floating wreckage along the way.

The doors to Sick Bay are closed and with no power to open them, I will have to pry them apart with my bare claws to gain entrance.  I insert my claws in the crack between the doors and pull!  It takes all my strength but they begin to move.  As the doors part, a terrible sight greets my eyes!

The Sick Bay was filled with wounded.  I do not see Doctor Selar, it is possible she was out somewhere treating the injured.  However I do see Sarrah!  She, wearing a uniform, is sprawled face down across one of the Bio Beds, trying to protect a injured patient, a Kzinti T'kzintar (warrior) from falling wreckage, like the dedicated healer she hoped to become.  The wreckage ended both the life of the Kzintosh and Kzinrret!  I race to her, push the now weightless wreckage off and I pick her limp, battered, lifeless body up and hold it tight to mine.  I had not considered this!  It is then I notice the insignia on her uniform!  She is a doctor!

Is the CLAW worth the price Sef?”, “Q” asks as he strolls into Sick Bay. 

I have always prided myself on my even temperament but, everyone has their breaking point!  I have reached mine!  I drop Sarrah’s body back on the bed, hiss and leap at “Q”, not caring what happens!  All I want is one swipe of my claws across his face!  To see the pain in his eyes.  To see if the “Q” have blood and if so, what color!  The look on his face seems to indicate he did not expect me to attack.  I draw back my arm, claws extended and . . . 
With a flash of light. we are back on the Bridge of the Bastet!

As I stumble to a halt, Jacobs reports from the CLAW, “I think we can haul this wreck home in one piece Sef.”

“Q” looks at me as asks, “Well Sef what’s it going to be?”

“Lock Tractorrr Beam on that ssship!”, I Command. 

“For “HUMANITY” Sef?”, “Q” questions.

“IT WASss THEIR WARrr, NOT OURSss!  AND IT IS OVERrr, OVERrr LONG TIME AGO!”, I reply, “And Humanity, whatever colorrr or length of their furrr, if any, MUST acknowledge THAT if we are to move on! ”

“Very good Sef!”, “Q” says, quietly clapping his hands, “Out of all the Starfleet Captains I have met, I expected you to have the most trouble with THAT!”

“I know you have tormented Captainsss Pickard and Janeway as well as Commanderr Sisco so why did you think I would have problem?”, I question.

“Well lets just say it was because you are SO . . .  Furry Sef, even more so than Riker with his beard and leave it at that!”, “Q” answers. 

Then turning to Security-Chief, “There were other cats involved!  What do you say Kzinti?”

“The Night Ends and with its Death, Brings a New Day!  All T'kzintar (warrior) know this and agree, the Dead Should be Honored BUT Remain Buried!”, Security-Chief answers.

“Not bad Orange Fur Ball!”, “Q” says, “For a start!  I will be keeping an eye on you too!”  As Security-Chief growls, with a snap of his fingers and a flash of light “Q” is gone, for now.

Like most night horses (mares SEF!) the memory(?) of the past few weeks fade quickly.  I am still trying to sort out what exactly happened from what did not or did it?  It seems no one except Security-Chief and I were treated by “Q” to the glimpse of a possible future and I have not had time to compare my experience with his.  All I am sure of is the teams of experts DID arrive.  We DID board the CLAW and explore him, from stern to  bow.  We DID find some disturbing things in him including “Human” meat but the experts were  professionals and treated the finds in a clinical, dispassionate fashion.  Now they are making plans to move the CLAW to a more convenient location to continue studying and preserving him.  From what I hear, EVERYONE on FI-9 will be relieved when that happens.

With things settling down, Sarrah and I get a rare chance to relax in our quarters together.

“I am worried about these tests.”, Sarrah says.

“Do NOT!”, I answer, “I have it on good authority that you will do well and you will look ssso beautiful in yourrr Medical Uniform!”

Sarrah looks at me, her body indicating her puzzlement, “How do you know that?”

“I have my waysss kitten.”, I say as I pull her close. 

Suddenly I feel strange, Sarrah senses my reaction and asks, “What is wrong my love?”

“I do not know kitten, an odd feeling.  I have heard Jacobsss describe it as feeling as if sssomeone was walking on herrr grave!”, I answer.  Then as quickly as it had came it is gone.  I look into Sarrah’s worried eyes, and continue, “Not to worry, feeling isss gone now!” and I pray it never returns!

Monday, August 12, 2019

Star Trek: Federation Installation Nine, Episode 23 Phobos


It is most likely that all sane, living creatures have at least one fear. With the possible exception of Klingons, remember, I DID say SANE! And that is NOT a bad thing! Fear or it's milder cousin Caution keeps one from undue danger and it is only when that fear grows so big that it begins to interfere with a person's life that a problem arises. Living and working in space, brings with it MANY very real "fears", the fear of death being the main one and that fear breeds healthy caution. Other fears are not so "Logical" although for those afflicted with them, they are just as relevant. Humans seem to think that "Facing" their fears is a good thing BUT I as a felinoid am NOT convinced of that! The way most of Nature's Children are taught is RUN AWAY AND LIVE ANOTHER DAY!

I try to keep an informal smell on the station. In other words, I do NOT require my crew to come to attention when addressing me or even call me "Sir" unless they wish to. One visitor we had to FI-9, a military historian, equated it to what was the norm on ships called Submarines of mid-20th century Earth. Because of the cramped and difficult conditions of those vessels, the usual "Spit and Polish" was ignored. Crew were not expected to salute or even come to attention when the captain addressed them and a less than crisp uniform was not noticed. Of course the captain expected, even demanded that when he gave an order it was carried out quickly and efficiently! I think this "We Are All In This Together, I Have Got Your Tail" mind set works well day to day, as long as everyone knows when to bring out the polish!

This is why I was so confused by the demeanor of a recent transfer to the station as I held my usual getting to know the new personnel meeting with him. Lieutenant Commander Reginald Katz's Service Record was VERY average. There were no citations or reprimands in it although all his superiors agreed he was a "good" and "capable" officer. He had graduated from the Academy AFTER the war so he saw no action in it. He had served on only one vessel, a small scout assigned to star mapping missions.

We met in my office after the end of his first day on duty. From the start he seemed nervous, on edge. Jacobs would have described him, "As nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs", she had to explain that painful Human saying to me. I invited him into my office and asked him to sit. Instead of settling into the chair like most humans do, he remained on the edge as if, like a felinoid he had a tail the chair had not been designed to accommodate. I tried to lighten the mood by commenting that with a last name like Katz and how it sounds, he was lucky his parents did not employ a sense of humor in naming him. He seemed not to understand until I said, "Your first name could have been Tom or if you were female, Kitty!" His reaction to my joke was warm at best. I figure he might have heard such things before and was just being polite. As the meeting progressed he became more and more nervous and nearly leaped out of his pelt (Jumped Out Of His Skin, Sef) when Security-Chief poked his tiger stripped head in to inform me he had some data I had asked him to collect. "Forgive me D'Sefet-Commander! I was unaware you were busy.", Security-Chief says. Figuring my meeting with Lieutenant Commander Katz is almost over and needing to talk with Security-Chief I say, "No problem Security-Chief, come in! I want you to meet our newest Engineerrr Lieutenant Commanderrr Reginald Katz." Lieutenant Commander Katz does NOT make eye contact with Security-Chief but he does nod his head in recognition. Security-Chief makes a slight bow and says, "Have you FINALLY decided to replace that FEMALE then D'Sefet-Commander?" "No! Commanderrr Jacobsss IS ssstill Chief Engineerrr! Lieutenant Commanderrr Katz isss new memberrr of herrr Engineering team.", I answer much to the disappointment of Security-Chief. Then addressing Lieutenant Commander Katz, I conclude, "Well, I know you are off duty and I sssuspect you have had, how do Humansss put it? A Long Day? I know Commanderrr Jacobsss can be bit demanding (Security-Chief nods his head in agreement). So I will not keep you any longerrr. Rememberrr, as you can sssee, my doorrr is alwaysss open!" "Thank you Commander.", Lieutenant Commander Katz answers as he backs out of my office and hurries away. "What IS wrong with that Human?", Security-Chief asks, "I have NOT seen a Human so jumpy since my last Kzintosh Barbecue!" I think he WAS joking!

After Security-Chief and I conclude our business, I head to Sick Bay to pick up Sarrah. Since we got back from Feresa I have had occasion to wonder if Jacobs had been correct in questioning whether or not I had brought back the right Kzinrret? Our relationship has, at the same time gotten more simple AND more complex! She has moved into my quarters and we spend the nights together. However there has been no ch'rowling (having sex/mate), not that there has NOT been opportunities and in the eyes of the Kzinti Sarrah WAS given to me as a mate but I am from the old Feresa where mating came AFTER your Pledging Ceremony. For the non-felinoids a Pledging Ceremony is a simple marriage. It can be just between the male and female or it can be a family event. Basically it consists of the male saying to the female, "You are my mate." three times. If the female answers back with, "You are my mate." three times then the couple are considered mates. I have thought about beginning the ceremony a number of times but after what Sarrah had endured in Kzinti society I want to give her as much time as possible to "find" herself.

Reaching Sick Bay, I find Sarrah and Doctor Selar busy. After a few moments they finish and Sarrah says, "Sorry Commander. Selar-Doctor was helping me with a problem I was having in my studies." "Not problem Kitten.", I reply, "Take all time you need! I know I can not help with them!"

Before Sarrah and I leave, remembering the strange actions of Lieutenant Commander Katz.

"Have you had chance to examine ourrr new Engineerrr Lieutenant Commanderrr Katz?", I ask Doctor Selar. "Yes, I had to certify he was fit for duty when he reported aboard Commander.", she answers, "Why?" "I just had my Greeting Meeting with him and he ssseemed . . ., well . . ., bit more nervousss than he ssshould have been.", I explain. "I shouldn't tell you this, it is a violation of Doctor/Patient Privilege but since you have seen it, Lieutenant Commander Katz suffers from Ailurophobia.", Selar explains. Not knowing what that is but gathering it is some sort of disease I respond, "I am sssorry to hearrr that. Is there cure?" "I believe Lieutenant Commander Katz thinks by being assigned here he will find a "cure"", Selar answers, then sensing my puzzlement continues, "Ailurophobia, is the irrational fear of cats, felines and/or felinoids Commander. Lieutenant Commander Katz has one of the worst cases I have ever seen!" "Why would he ask to be transferred to a post where he knew he would not only be around felinoids but be under the command of one!", Sarrah asks unbelievingly? "Yesss, that seemsss bit illogical to me also.", I add. Getting an eyebrow rise from the good Doctor for my "illogical" statement, she answers, "Humans believe if the confront their fears that they can over come them. Most Illogical. If you think his fear will be a problem I can recommend his reassignment and you can transfer him off the station Commander." Being a member of a species that admires a person for being a good fighter, I say, "No, let usss give him chance to find hisss cure, as long as it doesss not interfere with hisss dutiesss."

Things go by peaceably for a few days then . . .

Lieutenant Commander Katz and I are again sitting in my office and like the first time he is on the edge of his seat. "I'm sorry Commander.", he begins. There has been a problem! "I know about yourrr Ailurophobia.", I say, adding, "I admire yourrr efforts to conquerrr it but . . ." Lieutenant Commander Katz nervously interrupts, "Licking this is VERY important to me Commander, you see my cousin, a great guy, has been like a father to me, is a Star Freighter Captain and has a Pa'UR as a mate and I don't want the fact that when I am around them I want to crawl under a rock and die to cause problems between us!" I wonder how licking his trouble will help but I assume Humans like Felines will use their tongue on something painful. Then Remembering, I ask, "Thisss would not be Capt'n Don of S.S. Hanford would it?" "Yea! Have you met I'Aisha and him?",Lieutenant Commander Katz asks, adding, "I'Aisha is a great engineer and is teaching their half Human/ half Caitian son about engineering and they have the cutest little kit of their own. I'm so ashamed how I feel when I'm around them!" The information about a half Caitian Kit interests me. I was unaware Humans and Caitians could successfully breed so I try and scratch a little deeper, "So Capt'n Don hasss olderrr Caitian Kit? That isss half Human asss well?" "Yea, his parents were apparently killed in the war and he was living on a mining colony, New Wheeling with a Vulcan couple. Don was contracted to return him . . . Tom to his Caitian Grandfather on Cait but when they got there the Grandfather would not except his daughter's "Halfling" so Don and I'Aisha decided to raise him themselves. I gather Tom's father was a Human Starfleet officer, missing in action. His mother was a Caitian civilian engineer, taken prisoner by the Dominion and presumed dead. Given his background, Tom dreams of becoming a Starfleet Engineer and tries to ask me questions about my job when the families get together. Even though Tom looks more Human than Feline, his face has that angular appearance of a feline, with the nose and mouth combined like a cat and he has whiskers and a stubby tail! All of which just gives me the WILLIES!" Not knowing what "Willies" are, I ask, "How old isss Tom?" "Well let's see . . . He was between five and six when Don and I'Aisha got him . . . I guess that would put him around nine or ten now. I'm sorry Commander! Give me a Anti-Mater Intermix Equation and I am a whiz but dates and ages are difficult!", Lieutenant Commander Katz answers. "You have the right to remain silent Reg!", a voice from the door interrupts. Jacobs enters and continues, "Security-Chief told me you were here. "AND did Security-Chief tell you WHY Lieutenant Commanderrr Katz isss here?", I ask. "He said Reg activated the Force Field on his Holding Cell while he was in it.", Jacobs answers. "AND while trying to deactivate Force Field, ssshorted out controls leaving Security-Chief stuck in Cell for OVERrr an hour!", I add as Jacobs erupts in waves of laughter. Seeing that I am NOT similarly amused she says, "Come on Sef! Tell me that you have NOT wanted to throw that Walking Orange Hairball into a Cell and loose the key more than once eh!" "WELL . . . Maybe once orrr twice eh.", I say, mocking her as my tail indicates my amusement. "It wasn't Security-Chief's fault Commander!", Lieutenant Commander Katz says, "It is just those Kzinti are SO damn intimidating! I panicked!" "REG!", Jacobs says, trying to protect him, "There is no need to go into details!" "I know about Lieutenant Commanderrr Katz's Ailurophobia.", I inform Jacobs. "Well then you know it isn't Reg's fault then!", Jacobs, although surprised, defends. "Tell that to Security-Chief Commander! By the time I got him out he was mad enough to chew through Transparent Aluminum!", Lieutenant Commander Katz says. "Maybe, BUT you DID get him out!", Jacobs encourages, "So what do you say Sef? I can smooth things over with Security-Chief!" "Save your breath Commander!", Lieutenant Commander Katz begins, "We all know why we are here! It is just a question of where you can ship me off to, right Commander D'Sefet?" "Do you wish to be transferred?", I ask. "Come on Reg!", Jacobs says, "You don't want a transfer eh! Sef, I need good engineers like him around here!" "I agree.", I begin as a shocked look appears on Lieutenant Commander Katz's face. "BUT . . .", Lieutenant Commander Katz begins. "Lieutenant Commanderrr . . . Reg, when you entered my office I WASss considering transferring you but, asss we talked I noticed something that encourages me to think you just might "Lick" asss you sssaid, yourrr problem." "WHAT?", both Jacobs and Lieutenant Commander Katz ask at the same time. "You might not know Felinoidsss and felinesss in general use non-verbal communication more than we do verbal. Ssso we notice things others might misss. All during ourrr first meeting and at beginning of thisss one you were literally sssitting on edge of your ssseat but look at your-self now! Sssitting deep in that chair, calm and relaxed and I, A CAT, IS still in rrroom! If you can rrrelax in front of me Reg, you can rrrelax around other felinoidsss too!", I comment. "There you go Reg!", Jacobs encourages, "Everyone wants to help you eh!" "SssO back to my question, DO you want transfer eh?", I ask, again mocking Jacobs. "I WOULD REALLY like to be able to be around I'Aisha, Tom and cute, little Patrick Roo without breaking out in a cold sweat! AND from what I can see, the Universe IS filled with cats so . . . NO! I DON'T want a transfer Commander!", Lieutenant Commander Katz replies. "Very well!", I begin, turning to Jacobs a continue, "I will leave it up to you to pet Security-Chief and I believe you ssshould keep Reg and him FARrr apart for foreseeable future!" "Not a problem Sef!", Jacobs replies. Finally, turning to Lieutenant Commander Katz, "Reg, rrremember, my doorrr is always open! I am happy to assist you in ANY way I can."

Things have a way of getting back to normal very quickly on FI-9 and with in a few weeks everything is running as smoothly as usual, oh well (sigh). As the News Stalker on Ferasa predicted, I have been asked to do what I can to assist the Patriarchy in their efforts to open up their territory to more contact? NOT an easy assignment! The Patriarchy is sending a Lord Gurr-Riit to tour the station and have a meeting. Musing to myself, I think the Kzinti are as Humophobic as Reg is Ailurophobic. That leads me to wonder how he is progressing in his hunt to lick his problem and gives me an idea.

"What do you think Sarrah?", I ask. "A reception? Like the one we attended on Ferasa? At the memorial service Sef?", Sarrah questions back. "No, not that elaborate, just sssimple meal, here in our quarters, just you and I, Jacobsss and Reg, and maybe Doctorrr Selarrr.", I explain, "I want to sssee how Reg'sss fight against hisss fearrr is progressing." "I think I can arrange that, when?", Sarrah questions. "I will have to check with guestsss but maybe after watch day afterrr tomorrow?", I answer as Sarrah nods.

The Door Announce squeaks and answering it I find Jacobs and Reg. Looking around, Jacobs asks, "Are we early?" "No, rrright on time.", I answer. "As good guests should be!", Selar adds as she follows Jacobs who is pulling Reg inside. Getting everyone settled Jacobs announces, "I'll play Bartender! Sef you want a Squeak Ale right AND Doctor you want a glass of that fruity Vulcan wine? What do you want Sarrah, Reg?" "I will have a glass of sour milk thank you.", Sarrah replies. "And you Reg?", Jacobs asks. "Squeak Ale? Sour Milk?", Reg repeats softly and then says, "Oh! A Screwdriver Commander!" " A Screwdriverrr?", I say with surprise, "There isss no equipment that needsss rrrepair Reg." Jacobs explains that THIS Screwdriver is constructed of a liquid called vodka combined with the juice of a fruit called an orange. Jacobs makes the request to the Replicator and passes out the drinks as they appear. Reg, nervous but not as bad as at other times is also restless and after getting his drink, he gets up and begins moving about the room. "You have some interesting carvings Commander.", Reg comments studying my collection. "You seem surprised Commander.", Selar comments. "Well it's just I never considered a cat collecting anything except dead mice and birds.", Reg replies. Seeing a pained look on Jacobs face and a raised eyebrow on Selar's I say, "Well forrr creature that had to ssspend most of itsss waking momentsss looking forrr food those "collections" were important but as with Humansss, when we had progressed enough to assure ourrr sssurvival more easy, we began collecting thingsss of lesss practical purpose." "Is this a real Catrellan War Pole Sitter!", Reg asks as he continues to inspect my collection. "Yesss it isss.", I answer, "You ssseem to know much about carvingsss." "Well maybe not a lot but I remember Capt'n Don telling me how once one had been stolen and how every civilian ship captain in the quadrant had been alerted to be on the look out for it!", then looking at Jacobs' expression, "Not that I am suggesting you had anything to do with that Commander!" "Actually I WASss involved AND that Isss the very Pole Sitter!", I respond to shocked looks all around, "I was asked by my friend, Catrellan Chief to recoverrr carving. I did and he gave it to me forrr sssave keeping."

All awkwardness aside, the evening went well and I think Lieutenant Commander Katz, had a good time.

The Kzinti vessel carrying Lord Gurr-Riit arrives the next afternoon and I get ready for our meeting. I expect him and his staff to beam over but at the last minute I was surprised to learn he would be arriving by Shuttle. Apparently Humans are NOT the only creatures that dislike Transporters I think, remembering a Doctor of a ship I once served on! A grumpy Human from the a place called "the south".

Sarrah comes up behind Lieutenant Commander Katz in the corridor and grabs him by his uniform top. "Come with me!", she commands as he struggles to get free of her claws. "WHAT? HEY? Sarrah what are you doing!?", he sputters in panic. Sarrah is smaller than most Kzinti Kzinrrets BUT as I once heard a Human describe her, "Built Like a Brick Cat Box!". I had to consult Jacobs on the description which she said meant the Human thought she was powerfully and strongly built. She pulls Lieutenant Commander Katz along with her and says, "We will be needed Commander!" Further along the corridor they encounter Security-Chief and before he can say anything, Sarrah commands, "Yebp (come)! T'kzintar (warrior)!" Not understanding exactly why but filled with curiosity, he follows.

A still struggling Lieutenant Commander Katz finally breaks free of Sarrah's claws as they reach FI-9's Shuttle Bay. "Ok! What . . .", he begins and is cut off by the sound of a LOT of metal smashing against metal and the station's Kzinti Klaxons going off! The three rush into the Shuttle Bay, as they do, Lieutenant Commander Katz realizes he has been walking along side Security-Chief for some time! His stomach ties itself into knots and he breaks out into a cold sweat!

Chaos is the order of the day in the Shuttle Bay! Two Kzinti Shuttles have tried to land. The one carrying Lord Gurr-Riit, his assistant and his guards landed safely but the other has not. It is sitting upright but at an angle to the Landing Target and smoke is poring out of its open hatch. No one is moving, Sarrah thinks as she sizes up the situation. Seeing three intruders, Lord Gurr-Riit's guards move to stop them. Sarrah ignores them and pulling Lieutenant Commander Katz along, heads for the Shuttle's Hatch. As Security-Chief holds back the Kzinti Guards, Sarrah enters the Shuttle, Lieutenant Commander Katz yelling something about an immanent explosion follows her in. The smoke is thick and acrid, Sarrah tends to the Shuttle's pilot as Lieutenant Commander Katz strains to see what the rest of the compartment holds. Then he freezes! Sarrah sees this and pauses helping the pilot to see why. Through the smoke and flame she sees the frightened faces of a young Kzinrret and her baby. They are trapped by some fallen wreckage in the back of the Shuttle close to where the fire is. "Help them Commander!", Sarrah growls. Lieutenant Commander Katz, rooted to the spot, his mouth dry, his palms sweating, his stomach churning whispers, horsily, "I can't!" "If you do not, they will die Commander!", Sarrah states flatly as she helps the pilot out of his seat and toward the hatch. Lieutenant Commander Katz looks into the frightened, feline faces of the Kzinrret and her baby. All of a sudden their faces are replaced by those of I'Aisha and little Patrick! He moves toward them, hoping the Kzinrret doesn't panic. He sees her make a move and stops. She picks up her Kit and holds it out toward him, her eyes pleading for him to take it! He does and carries the squirming, mewing bundle to the hatch and gently places it on the deck where there is cool, smoke-free, air. He then turns for the mother! "CHSS (no)! CHSS (no)!", he thinks he hears her saying but Kzinrrets can't talk forgetting about Sarrah for a moment! But whatever the sounds she is making, the meaning is clear as she violently shakes her head. "No baby is going to grow up without a mother! Not if I can help it!", he says to the Kzinrret, not caring whether or not she can understand him. He grabs the fallen wreckage, he will have to shift it slightly for the thankfully smallish Kzinrret to squeeze by. To late he realizes it is red hot! He stifles a scream as the material sears into his flesh, not wanting to panic the Kzinrret any more than she already is. Clearing a path, he grabs the Kzinrret's paw and pulls her toward the hatch. He pushes her out, stoops down to grab the Kit and jumps. He pushes the Kzinrret to the deck and joins her, his body covering the Kits just as the Shuttle's interior explodes and a blowtorch like ball of flame erupts from its hatch!

Lieutenant Commander Katz lays, face down on the deck. His hands feel like they are on fire but he doesn't move! Beneath him a squirming Kzinti Kit is mewing, LOUDLY! All of a sudden there are hands, covered with fur! They help him up. Looking he sees other hands helping the young Kzinrret up. Hands gathers up the Kit and return it to its mother. Her hands hold it tight to her body. Sarrah is busy checking everyone for injuries. The Pilot was stunned by the impact but thanks to Kzinti physiology is not seriously injured. The Kit and its mother have breathed some of the smoke but not enough to have a long lasting effect. Examining Lieutenant Commander Katz, Sarrah says," We need to get you to Sick Bay! Security-Chief!" As Security-Chief joins them, " Katz-Lieutenant Commander is injured, help me get him to Sick Bay!"

With Security-Chief steadying Lieutenant Commander Katz, and Lieutenant Commander Katz not caring he is being held by a Kzinti, the group try and exit the Shuttle Bay but their way is blocked by Kzinti. "Out of our way!", Security-Chief orders Lord Gurr-Riit's guards, "This Human is injured and the Doctor wants him taken to Sick Bay!" "Doctor?", Lord Gurr-Riit's Assistant-One questions, "That is a Kzinrret!" Both Security-Chief and Sarrah let out a low growl and get ready to fight when, "Is there a problem here?", Lord Gurr-Riit questions, "Allow these Federation Personel do their job Assistant-One!" "But . . . My Lord! What about the Kzinrret?", Assistant-One asks in panic. "What Kzinrret?", Lord Gurr-Riit questions, "All I see here are three T'kzintar (warrior) I owe much to! Let them leave with my everlasting gratitude!"

As the doors open and Lieutenant Commander Katz, Sarrah and Security-Chief exit, other Federation Personnel including Me rush in. As things calm down, Lord Gurr-Riit whispers to Me, "D'Sefet-Commander, I need to speak with you in private." I nod in acknowledgment as I direct the Emergency Response Team.

"Some Engineer you are Reg!", Jacobs chides as she regards her assistant as he lies in a bed in Sick Bay an hour or so later, "Never heard of the laws of Thermal Conduction eh! Now look at you! Out of commission AND with that mess in the Shuttle Bay to clean up!" "Oh Commander!", Lieutenant Commander Katz replies, "With all that was happening at that moment, I was lucky to remember which way was up! By the way, do you know how the Kzinrret and her baby are?" "Why not asks Karie yourself Commander?", a familiar female Kzinti voice asks. Jacobs and Reg look to see stepping through the Sick Bay doors are Commander D'Sefet, Sarrah and clutching her baby tightly, the little Kzinrret, Karie. Without warning, Karie hands her baby to Sarrah and jumps into the bed with Lieutenant Commander Katz. She pins him to the bed and begins to "mark" him as Humans describe it, in other words rub her forhead and chin on parts of Lieutenant Commander Katz's body. All the while saying over and over, "Thank you My Lord! Thank you My Lord!" For someone with a sever case of Ailurophobia, that IS either his WORST nightmare or proof he has "Licked" it, I think and wonder which it is. I do not have long to wait, as Lieutenant Commander Katz lifts his bandaged arms, wraps them around Karie's body and holds her tight to his chest, "Are you and the baby ok?" Karie answer is to gently nip at Lieutenant Commander Katz's exposed skin. After a few moments I ask, "Reg can I ssspeak with you privately?" "Go a head Commander.", Sarrah says to Lieutenant Commander Katz, "I want to check Karie and her daughter for any ill effects of that smoke!"

"It looks asss if you have "Licked" yourrr fearrr Reg.", I observe. "I had no other option Commander!", Lieutenant Commander Katz replies. "True. But how do you feel toward Karie and herrr Kit?", I press. "I'm not sure what you are asking Commander.", Lieutenant Commander Katz answers. "I have never been good at Whacking around Shrub (Beating around the Bush SEF!), no Felinoid isss so . . . Do you want Karie as mate Reg?", I ask. "WHAT?!", Lieutenant Commander Katz responds, "A MATE! She HAS a mate, doesn't she?" "Herrr Kzintosh was killed ssshortly afterrr they were mated.", I answer. "I thought Lord Gurr-Riit was her mate or owner or whatever the Kzinti call it!", Lieutenant Commander Katz says. "Lord Gurr-Riit wasss fatherrr of herrr mate.", I inform, "He isss frightened forrr Karie and herrr Kit, you saw that she iss Intelligent One like Sarrah. And herrr Kit ssshows sssigns of intelligence also." "I don't understand Commander.", Lieutenant Commander Katz answers, his mind spinning. I try to explain to Lieutenant Commander Katz about what I know about the Black Priests and how under Kzinti Law, ANY Kzinrret of ANY age showing signs of higher intelligence is killed. I also says that, "This isss why Lord Gurr-Riit brought Karie and herrr kit along with him, in hopes of finding herrr 'Federation' mate." "WOW Commander!", Lieutenant Commander Katz begins, "When you don't beat around the bush, YOU REALLY DON'T!" "Like I sssaid Felinoidsss ARE bad at it. It not like you would have to ch'rowl (have sex/mate) with herrr Reg, if you did not want to, what ssshe needsss is sssort of an owner to care forrr herrr like Kzintosh would.", I say. "Ch'rowl (have sex/mate) with her Commander?", Lieutenant Commander Katz asks fearfully. "Yesss to mate with, oh what DO you humans sssay? Oh yesss, to have sssex with.", is my shocking answer, "I can not orderrr you to except herrr and herrr kit Reg, I would NOT even if I could! If you do not want herrr, I have promised Lord Gurr-Riit I will try and find sssomeone before he hasss to leave and take Karie and herrr kit back with him to Patriarchy. He isss worried that even with hisss high rrrank he will not be able to protect them much longerrr." Lieutenant Commander Katz is stunned as he puts Commander D'Sefet's proposal into Human terms! An instant family! A wife and child to care for and . . . LOVE? AND to top it off a KZINTI wife and daughter to boot! What would Capt'n Don say? What would I'Aisha say? Finally Lieutenant Commander Katz realizes there is ONLY one other that has a say. "Karie, would you come here?", he asks as he gets out of bed. Karie followed by Jacobs and Sarrah holding the baby come, "Yes My Lord Katz?" "Do you understand what is being arraigned for you and your daughter?", Lieutenant Commander Katz questions. "Yes My Lord! I know, Lord Gurr-Riit is trying to protect my kit. She is the only kit of his only kit. PLEASE My Lord Katz! I care little what happens to me and if you do not want me I understand but PLEASE take my Kit!", Karie pleads. Do you remember what I said to you in the Shuttle after I got the baby to safety and came for you?",Lieutenant Commander Katz asks Karie. "I remember trying to tell you to leave me and get my kit to safety and you saying something in Human I could not understand at the time My Lord.", Karie answers. "I said, No baby is going to grow up without a mother! Not if I can help it! And . . . I believe a baby should have a father too. So if you if you can stand to be around this Human . . .", is all Lieutenant Commander Katz can say before Karie throws her arms around him and rubbing her chin across his chest, accepts his proposal. "Just one thing Karie.", Lieutenant Commander Katz adds. "What is that My Lord?", Karie asks. I'm NOT a Lord. I'm NOT even a full Commander! My name is Reginald Thomas Katz! Please call me Reg!", Lieutenant Commander Katz requests. "Yes My Lor . . . Reg.", Karie answers as she worships him with her sparkling cat's eyes and he gently strokes the orange stripped fur between her umbrella-like ears with his bandaged hand.

"You know Sef, I never got around to testing the space worthiness of the Volga after its repair after we crash landed it.", Jacobs begins, "Reg isn't going to be much good to me here but to earn his pay maybe he could take her out for a few days of Space Trials." "Of course he will need a nurse to go along.", Sarrah comments, adding, "Karie you have some experience in caring for helpless individuals correct?" "Come on Commander! You not making sure a Runabout is NOT in top condition!", Lieutenant Commander Katz says. "Do not question your superiors Reg!", Karie quickly advises. "Good advice, ssshe will add Riit to yourrr name in no time Reg!', I observe, adding, "And I just happened to notice S.S. Hanford isss scheduled forrr an extended lay overrr in Federation port not to farrr from here!" "Reg-Riit.", Karie says, "I like the name! "Speaking of names, I think our daughter should have one too! Don't you?" Lieutenant Commander Katz discovers THAT IS A BAD thing to suggest, especially around three females!" All of a sudden, he is surrounded by Karie, Sarrah and Jacobs, all throwing names at him!

Station Log Supplemental:

Lord Gurr-Riit has returned to the Patriarchy to advise the Patriarch on the New Openness. It is going to take a while before anything substantial comes from this and other meetings BUT, it is a good sign that there ARE more meetings planned!

It turns out Lieutenant Commander Katz is a VERY traditional Human and asked me to marry Karie and him right in the Sick Bay. Jacobs, being what Humans call a "romantic" was not happy with the impersonal setting so an hour later a small gathering was held on the Holodeck as it ran a wooded environment program. There I preformed the Human, Federation version of the Pledging Ceremony.

Lieutenant Commander Katz, wife and kit are still testing the space worthiness of the Volga. I understand he met up with his relative, Capt'n Don, commanding the S.S. Hanford and spent a pleasant time visiting him and his family. He told me to inform Jacobs and Sarrah that they decided on Kleio as the name of their Kzinti daughter. Although after reviewing a little Kzinti data, Reg said he calls her his Little Terrenkrret (Terrenk - A rather strong, fast animal that fights ferociously when cornered and Rett - Female.) The name Kleio intrigue me, it did not sound Kzinti so I looked it up. It is Greek, it means, the Proclaimer! and is the name of the Greek muse/goddess of history. I hope that one day these talks with Gurr-Riit will give her something wonderful to proclaim!

I stop recording and call up a picture of Sarrah on the computer. Four saved I think. How many more I wonder. Then . . . How many lost I shudder!

Star Trek: Federation Installation Nine, Episode 22 SKItrip

Tellu Tellarite
(When Pigs Ski!)

The more I learn about the universe, the more I realize just how much of a sense of humor the Great Fanged One must have. To exist, beings, at least carbon based ones must have, oxygen, liquid water, nourishment and a safe environment. For this "gift" of existence, they are required by the Great Fanged One to do only one thing, produce a replacement being for themselves or as it was written, "Go and increase". According to "logic", although Doctor Selar might disagree, ANY activity not related to this edict is wasted effort. It seems however as one goes up the Ladder of Life, the more "distractions" there are to carrying out this command. Ignoring the activities aimed at securing the means to exist, water, food, shelter, etc. Many activities would seem to be wasted energy. I must confess, I have and do indulge in some of those activities as do all the beings I know and without them I would now be sitting in the grass of Ferasa waiting for my next meal to wonder by. But, some of those beings and the activities they follow, do come under the heading of just plain illogical!

"Just look at it Commander!", Gerve exclaims with a sweeping gesture of his hand, "Isn't it magnificent!" This trip is one of the rare times both Gerve and I are off FI-9 at the same time. We have just materlized in a plaza in the capital city of New Colorado to attend a conference on mine safety. I am lost in thoughts of concern about leaving Doctor Selar in charge of my station and Gerve has to repeat what he said before I realize he is speaking. Not understanding what he is referring to, seeing just a modern city, I ask, "What isss magnificent Commanderrr? One Human city looksss much like another to me." "Not the city! The mountains! Look at those beautiful snow capped peaks!", Gerve gushes, "I'm glad I brought my skis." I do not understand what "skis" are however, even though Ferasa is a temperate world, there are places where frozen water falls from the sky. Having experienced the feeling of cold, wet feet that this snow gives, I like most felines are less than enthusiastic about it. "I can't wait to hit the slopes!", Gerve continues. More confused than before I ask, "Hit ssslopes with what Commanderrr?" As we make our way to our planet-side quarters, he explains. Like many long term "visitors" to Earth, he became interested in some aspects of Human culture while he attended Star Fleet Academy in San Francisco. While sightseeing with a group of cadets, he discover the odd human activity of sliding down snow covered mountains on narrow rails strapped to the feet. Gerve spoke with some pride when he explained in how he and another cadet, an engineering student designed the mechanisms called "bindings" that held the rails to the feet. He explained the usual bindings were designed for feet with toes but Tellarites feet are hooved so an entirely new mechanism was needed.

"We WILL have a little time for things other than the conference, Won't we Commander?", Gerve asks with hope sounding in his voice. My crew IS the best in Star Fleet, YES I KNOW, EVERY Commander feels that way about those that serve under him, so I like to indulge them whenever possible. The main reason we were invited to the conference is our experience with Kzinti Miners. With the Patriarchy showing signs of a willingness to open up to the rest of the galaxy, there is great interest in what they are like and what accommodations have to be made for them. "I do not think we will need to ssspend ALL ourrr time at conference.", I answer as Gerve grunts with happiness

After getting settled in our rooms, I check the conference's schedule. It will last seven days and we are not mentioned until late in the week! When I inform Gerve of this he says, "Good! Even some time to get you on skis Commander!" Shocked, I reply, "Oh no! You are not getting me ANYWHERE nearrr that frozen water!" "Come on Commander, with your feline agility and sense of balance you would be a natural! Although like me you will need special bindings for your digigrade feet."

Both Gerve and I attend the opening ceremonies. Afterward, Gerve hurries away, saying something about a ski shop and bindings. As I am exiting the auditorium, I stumble over something. Looking down I see a large piece of rock. "I am sssorry!", I begin, "I did not sssee you there." "Its ok, I'm use to being stumbled over.", the rock says with a sigh, "I hope I didn't injure you!" "No I am fine.", I answer as I look closer at the rock, "You are Horta are you not?" "Yes, my name is Igneous and you are a Caitian correct?", the rock replies. "Yesss, I am Commanderrr D'Sefet.", I say. "Of Federation Installation Nine?", Igneous inquires, "I was hoping to get an opportunity to meet with you informally! Those Kzinti miners sound magnetic." "I was on my way to hunt forrr sssomething to eat. You are welcome to accompany me.", I invite. "HUNT?!", Igneous replies, sounding a bit concerned, "Where?!" "I thought I would ssstart in hotel.", I begin as I think I see the Horta becoming nervous, then add, "At rrrestaurant." "Oh!", Igneous says, sounding relieved, "Please Commander! I have yet to understand even HUMAN humor!"

We have a leisurely meal as I try and answer Igneous' questions. I dine on Kentucky Fried Chicken and the Horta on rocks. AS we finish our meal, I say, "You ssshould come visit FI-9 sssometime." "That would be sparkling!", Igneous replies, "Is there a good and bad time for a visit?" "Only bad time ISss when Kzinti are eating!", I say. "MORE Caitian humor Commander?", Igneous questions. "NOT completely.", I answer truthfully.

After I leave Igneous, I spend sometime exploring the city and then as the hour grows late, I return to quarters.

Gerve is out even later. When he returns he is carrying a large package. "Here Commander, try these on.", he says as he opens the package, extracts a odd looking piece of equipment and places it on the deck. I go over to where he is and he says, "Just slide your foot in here." "What are these?, "I question. "Digigrade Ski Bindings Commander.", Gerve answers. "I told you Gerve! Felinoidsss do NOT like to be in frozen water!", I say even as I slip my foot into the binding. "WELL SOME species with digigrade feet DO! These are stock items at the ski shop!", Gerve informs me. He has me lean to the right, then to the left, then forward and finally back while he checks the bindings and asks me how do they feel. They are tight but NOT uncomfortable is the way I describe them. Finally satisfied, Gerve says, "They seem to support your ankles well. Tomorrow we will go to the ski shop and get you some boots." "I HAVE bootsss Gerve!", I protest. "NO Commander you can't ski in your uniform boots! You need ski boots!", he instructs. "Thisss ssseems like lot of trouble to go through to go from top of mountain to is base!", I complain. "PLEASE Commander! Make JUST one run down the Beginner's Slope with me! If you hate it I will NOT bother you again!", Gerve pleads. Thinking back to ALL the odd things I have done with my crew, from sleeping high in the branches of a tree to chasing ghosts, his request does not seem strange so I say, "All rrright Gerve, I will ski where no Caitian has skied before!"

Early the next morning Gerve and I visit the Ski Shop where I get fitted with Ski Boots that look like they are made from the same material Federation Armor is made from and a pair of skis with poles. The shop also has a Holoroom so Gerve and I spend a little time in there where he tries to teach me to ski!

We run a program called 'Kiddie's Slope', which is suppose to be the easiest level. I quickly find out it IS NOT! To my surprise, this skiing is harder than it looks! The first thing Gerve did was to wax the skis to make then even more slippery. I slip my boots into the bindings and immediately the skis begin their voyage down the mountain. I on the other hand fall backwards landing on my tail! Gerve rushes over to me and seems happy that the bindings performed as they should by detaching me from the skis! After helping me to stand and retrieving the skis he instructs and drills me on the basics of down hill skiing. Finally my skis do go down the mountain with me attached! And after three more 'runs', Gerve is confident I am ready for the real mountain. I am not sure I share his opinion!

There are a couple of events I think we should attend so day three of the conference is a 'WORK' day for Gerve and I. After checking with me to make sure there are no conflicts, Gerve schedules us for an afternoon session of skiing the next day.

Day four dawns bright and clear. The sun striking the snow capped mountain peaks makes them sparkle like gems. After one more session in the Ski Shop's Holoroom, Gerve and I make our way to the slopes. We ride on what is called a Chair Lift to the top of the mountain, the view from there is impressive and a bit intimidating even though this IS the Beginner's Slope. There are adults here but most are with kits, teaching them to ski. It appears only Gerve is trying to teach another adult to ski! I 'strap' on my skis and use my poles to remain upright, for a second or two. THEN as one ski goes one way and the other does NOT follow, DOWN I GO, on my tail! My 'dance' amuses some of the others around us. It has also amused Gerve although he tries to hide it as he helps me to my feet, "Sorry Commander! Remember to cross the tips of your skis! AND use your poles!" Soon it is our turn to go down the mountain, with me in the lead, we begin. About half way down the slope, just as I think I am beginning to understand the mechanics of skiing, something happens and I end up with a mouth full of snow! Gerve again helps me to my feet and after making sure I am alright and retrieving my skis, we continue our journey to the base of the mountain.

We spend some time at the base sitting and watching others, many kits successfully reach the bottom of the mountain. "I'm sorry Commander.", Gerve begins as we watch another group of Kits slide past us. "For what?", I ask. "For making you come skiing with me.", he answers, "I can see you hate it as much as I love it!" "I thought you knew me betterrr Commanderrr.", I begin, "First, NO ONE forcesss Caitian or Felinoid forrr that matter to do ANYTHING he doesss NOT want to! At least no SANE person! This skiing is ssstrange Human activity and I thought trying it might help me to understand Humansss betterrr." "But I see the embarrassment in your eyes and ears every time you fall! As you watch children successfully making it down the slope.", Gerve observes. "Everyone falls sssometime Commanderrr. Any REAL embarrassment would come IF I did NOT get back up and try again! NOW, Caitiansss are also stubborn! Let usss get back up to top of the mountain and try to ssslide down WITHOUT falling!", I say as I rise and reach for my skis. Gerve grunts has approval as we get in line for the Chair Lift. We made a few more runs and I did NOT fall on any of them! Gerve DID though!

Most of the day of day five of the conference is taken up with events and meet ups I think we should attend but after night-meal Gerve talks me into a night ski run. Skiing by torch sounds interesting so I agree. The sight is impressive, every skier is given a light to carry or wear as they slide down the slope. We are again on the Beginner Run, I had enough trouble on it in the day and I did NOT feel upgrading to a more difficult run at night a wise idea!

We wait to begin our run behind a Human female and her two kits, one male and one female. The male is pulling something black and leathery out of has pocket and eating it. I do not know what it is but it looks and smells VERY unappetizing! Seeing me looking at him the kit smiles and asks, "Want some licorice kitty?" I politely thank him and refuse his offer.

About half way down the slope we have to stop because another beginner in front of us has fallen. Before we can resume our run, I hear a rumble, looking up the slope I see what is called an avalanche begin. Gerve sees it too and says, "Come on Commander I think we can out run it!" I notice some others near us that have the same idea but, I do NOT think I can! Instead I start for the side of the run where there are some large trees. "Come on!", I command Gerve. We reach the trunk of a large tree just before the snow reaches us. My instinct as a felinoid is to climb high into the branches but I know my Tellarite friend can not do that! "Grab tree!", I command, Gerve obeys. I reach around him, not an easy task on a Tellarite, and dig my claws into the bark of the tree just as the avalanche engulfs us. For what seems like forever we are surrounded in a cold, wet, thick, suffocating white blanket of snow. Then it is over! For a second there is a deathly silence then I hear a female begin to scream! "Are you all rrright Gerve?", I ask my unmoving First Officer. "I . . . I think so Commander! You?", he replies. I am cold AND WET! Both conditions NO feline likes but I answer, "I am well." The interaction of snow with tree had done what I had hopped it would, leaving us standing in a hollowed out place in the down hill snow flow. I estimate between three and four feet of new snow now covers the slope. Using my claws I climb up the tree until I am on the new surface and then help Gerve out. Before he grabs my paw, he taps his Com Badge and says, "Emergency! Avalanche!" and gives our location. As I get him to the surface I hear someone answer his call.

There is chaos on the slope! Where there are skis protruding from the snow there are people digging! Knowing how the skis are designed to come off in a violent fall, I wonder if anyone is still attached to them. There is the human female screaming, "My babies, my babies!", and pointing at the snow. Gerve and I hurry to her. Gerve noting where she is pointing goes to the area and begins to dig. "NO Gerve! SssMELL!", I yell. "What Commander?", he replies, not understanding. I know a Tellarite's sense of smell is almost as good as a Caitians so I answer, "Use yourrr nose! Humansss smell differently than sssnow!" Understanding, Gerve gets down on his hands and knees, sticks his snout in the snow and begins searching. Every skier is required to wear a PLB (Planetary Locater Bacon) and when the Ski Patrol arrives they will be able to find buried people in seconds BUT they have NOT arrived yet! The PLB also emits a high frequency audio signal for the canines the Ski Patrol uses. Knowing Both Gerve and I can also hear those signals, I grab the female by both shoulder and get her to be silent! I then go to the area where the female was pointing and began listening and smelling too.

"FOUND SOMETHING!", I hear Gerve yell. I see the human female run to where he is and begin frantically digging. I do not go to him though because just as he yelled I smelled something! Not a human sent but, the smell of the black, leathery food the little male human was pulling out of his pocket and eating! I then hear the PLB he had hanging around his neck and hoping it is still in the same location, I begin clawing at the snow! I am joined by an adult human male, he asks, "You got something?" "I think there isss human kit here!", I answer. Before the human begins digging he motions to others and yells, "OVER HERE!". With every clawfull of snow the sound grows louder and then my claws strikes something hard! The PLB! Thankfully still around the kit's neck. I rush to uncover the kit's mouth and head as the human uncovers the rest of him. I do not think he is breathing as I paw him up to waiting arms.

The human male climbs out of the hole and then helps me out. Others are already working on the kit and I see that the Ski Patrol is now on the scene and seem to have everything under control. Gerve walks over to where I am standing and as he rubs his nose, trying to warm it he reports, "The girl is ok Commander, what about the boy?". Before I can answer, he coughs, flails his arms and begins to cry. "I think that isss good sssign.", I answer. I AM EVEN COLDER AND WETTER THAN BEFORE! My arms are beginning to ache and my claws hurt although examining them, they seem undamaged. Gerve manages to locate all of our equipment and with the Ski Patrol now here we decide to finish our trip to the bottom of the slope. Seeing us getting ready to leave, one of the Ski Patrol comes over to us. "Uh can I get your names before you leave?", a human female asks. "Of course Gerve answers, "I am Lieutenant Commander Gerve and this is Commander D'Sefet of Starfleet. We are here for the Mining Conference." The female seems to know about the conference and were it is located after getting our room number she says, "Could we get you to come to our office tomorrow and make a formal report?" "Of course!", I answer, "We will be happy to!" She thanks us, we walk to where the slope is stable and Gerve and I finish our run.

A few hours later Gerve and I are in our quarters, I have FINALLY gotten dry and warm however, my fur is a tangled disaster! As I try and do something with it, Gerve is stretched out on his bed.

"Commander, can I ask you something?", Gerve begins. "Of course Gerve! What?", I reply. "How did you know to tell me to use my sense of smell to locate the girl?", he questions. "Gerve you MUST alwaysss rrremember sssomething! We may live with, look and act sssomewhat like Humansss BUT WE ARE NOT HUMANSss! They call usss Animal-Humansss forrr good rrreason! Allow your human ssside to watch over your animal ssside BUT never let human tame animal! Rememberrr when Captain Kirk was sssplit into two separate beingsss, one good and the other described as 'evil' in that Transporterrr accident. It was found that 'evil' ssside was just as important to complete person asss good side.", I answer. "I know you are right but, it is hard to trust the animal! Sometimes, at night, after a hard day, I can hear him in the dark recesses of my mind, loudly squealing in anger and digging at the earth in frustration! He scares me!", Gerve confides. "I know, I hearr rrroars in night asss well! BUT if we had only ourrr 'Human' ssside to rrrely on, two human kits might not be alive tonight!", I say, "By way, how isss yourrr sssnout?" "I finally got it thawed!", Gerve answers with a grunt as he rubs it.

Today, day six is our big day at the conference! Before it starts for the day Gerve and I go to the Ski Patrol Office and make our formal reports. After being told what others had reported we had little more to add. We were happy to hear that thanks to the quick action of the people on the slope, there were no deaths and that all injured were already out of Sick Bay.

We then hurry to the conference. Gerve and I enter the main assembly hall and find it filled to and beyond capacity! I let Gerve handle the introductions and give the audience an over view of the mining operation at FI-9. After he finishes he introduces me, "Now to inform you about our Kzinti Miners, Commander D'Sefet!" "Thank you Commanderrr.", I begin, "I have heard that Humansss say, one image isss worth a thousand descriptionsss (Very Close Sef, One Picture is Worth a Thousand Words.) so hologram must be worth twice that!", I say as I walk down from the stage and set a piece of equipment Jacobs put together for me on the deck, "I doubt any of you have everrr ssseen Kzinti Kzintosh so I would like to introduce you to Federation Installation Nine'sss Kzinti, Chief of Security, Security-Chief!" I step back and activate the device. The crowd gasps as a life size hologram of that male Kzinti appears. "I believe thisss says EVERYTHING I could sssay about Kzinti so I will open up meeting forrr questions.", I say.

"Is that hologram life-size and what range of sizes do Kzinti come in?", Is my first question, from a Horta in Igneous' delegation. "Most Kzinti males are around nine feet tall. Security-Chief is nine feet, three inches tall so yesss the Hologram IS life-size. However most Kzinti Minersss I have met tend to be little under the nine foot mark. I guesss to accommodate cramped space they work in.", I answer.

"You call this one Security-Chief and you say he IS your stations's Chief of Security.", a Vulcan begins, "Doesn't he have a name?" "Kzinti are NOT named at birth and unlesss they perform some great, heroic, deed, theirrr name isss their job. Forrr example leader of miners I deal with is called Head Miner. However among themselves, they use and answer to what Humans call 'Nick Names'. Forrr example, I have heard onesss being called, Black Face, Dirt Scratcherrr and Rock Eaterrr. My apologizes to our Horta guests forr last one!", I say as laughter ripples through the crowd, "They seem to even except Nick Names from humansss. Most of time my Chief Engineerrr rrrefers to Security-Chief as "THAT WALKING ORANGE HAIRBALL". Although I would NOT rrrecommend Human calling or giving Kzinti Nick Name until they get to know them!"

"I have heard Kzinti are undisciplined, volatile and down right dangerous!", A Human comments. "First NO one working dangerous job like mining can be undisciplined and expect to live long! I think ANY miner will agree with me on that! Asss far as being volatile and/orrr dangerousss, I have found them no more so than Klingons I have encountered. I believe there isss Human 'Golden Rule' that goesss, treat others like you would want them to treat you. I find thisss good advice when peacefully interacting with ANY life-form!", I instruct.

I answer MANY questions and as the meeting nears the end someone asks, "Bottom line, do Kzinti make good miners?" "Kzinti take pride in ANY job they do and derive great deal of sssatisfaction in job well done. On top of that, they know that doing good job will count positively toward theirrr sssome day getting name. SO YESss, Kzinti make good minersss, ditch diggersss, pilotsss, and EVEN Chiefsss of Security!", I answer, ending our formal presentation.

The meeting does not end, many want to get a closer look at Security-Chief's Hologram and there are MANY more informal and personal questions to answer.

"Can I have your attention please!", the voice of the Conference's organizer interrupts, "I don't know how many of you are skiers but you might have heard about the avalanche that happened last night. Thanks to the quick actions of two of our guests, although people were buried by the snow, no one died. I have three people that want to thank Lieutenant Commander Gerve and Commander D'Sefet!" As all watch, the Human female and her two kits from last night appear.

The female rushes to Gerve, wraps her arms around him and begins to cry. Gerve like me has never had a mate and I expect, he has no idea how to respond. I see the panic in his eyes! Fortunately she regains her composer in a moment or two. Unfortunately by then both of the Kits have followed their mother's example and have wrapped their arms around his legs! "How can I ever repay you Gerve?", she asks, still holding on to him and looking into his eyes. "Uh . . . I mean we . . . COMMANDER!", Gerve answers in panic as he looks toward me. "We are Starfleet officersss, we are sssworn to protect Federation and its citizensss in ANY way we can. We rrrequire no more rrreward than to know you and your kits are well.", I explain but it does little good to improve Gerve's situation. "Why don't you take us out to eat and we can talk more?", The female asks as she hugs him. Feeling a bit devilish I say, "Go ahead Gerve, I think I can handle sssituation here." The human female takes Gerve by the hand and leads him away, followed by her two kits as someone in the crowd comments, "They make a fine looking family!" Gerve's return to our quarters is VERY late!

Today is the final day of the conference! About the only event we will attend is the closing ceremony that is being held first thing this morning. After that, we plan to spend one more night at the hotel and leave for FI-9 in the morning. Of course this leaves the afternoon and evening free for skiing! Gerve IS in what I once heard a Human say, "HOG HEAVEN!". Even with the memory of the avalanche fresh in his mind he can not wait to "Hit the Slopes!". He begs me to join him, assuring me that avalanches are rare occurrences. Finally I relent but tell him to go ahead and that I will meet him on the slope. This trip has been educational. One thing I have learned is there is more than one way to get from the top of a mountain to the base!

Some of the options include skis, avalanches AND "A Snow Board Commander?", Gerve exclaims as I find him on the Beginner's Slope. "Yesss, I think thisss is betterrr way forrr me to get down mountain.", I explain. "I don't think they are allowed on the Beginner's Slope Commander.", Gerve says. "I KNOW they are not but, all along I have noticed yourrr ssskiing ssskills are farrr above beginner and I know you did not go to more advanced slopes because of me. Well I tried thisss board at Ski Shop on intermediate ssslope and only fell once ssso why not sssee if I am as good on rrreal thing!", I ask. Gerve smiles and grunts happily as we make our way to the more difficult slope. I was correct, NOT having your two feet trying to go in two different directions at once IS a better and FASTER way to get down the mountain! By our evening session, Gerve has a Snow Board of his own!

We bid a fond fair well to New Colorado the next morning and soon we are back on FI-9 which I am happy to say is JUST as I left it! More or less. Oh yes, I kept my Snow Board, DO NOT tell Gerve!